14 years ago, Wisdom Nectar all started because of one reason:
I wanted to have a baby.
And I knew that in order to make my body ready for that, I needed extraordinary means since an ordinary Western diet does not provide what’s needed for a healthy pregnancy. This meant changes in my diet & daily rituals to get the necessary nutrients, minerals & vitamins to grow a beautiful baby.
I blended a soft, minty blend of deep-rooted nettles, raspberry leaves & super greens to nourish my entire system.
It was specially formulated for my belly & all mothers everywhere to drink throughout pregnancy … but it's also perfect for year round nourishment for everyone (& especially supportive during allergy season).
The tea blend is called Nourishing.
So that was how the first herbal tea blend was made!
Then, organically, each tea blend that came after that was an answer to a request ...
"Do you have a tea to boost my immune system?"
To answer this request, I made a blend of nutritive fruits & Traditional Chinese root herbs: Cinnamon, Goji Berries, Elderberries, Linden Leaf, Oregon Grape Root, Astragalus, Cardamom & Eleuthero Root.
"Do you have anything to help me sleep?"
My tea offering to help this person rest deeply consisted of Yarrow, Nettle, Slippery Elm, Ginger, Lavender & Chamomile. Imagine a wild herb garden in a cup of tea ~ that's what this tastes like.
Once the tea blends started self-arising, my intention was to make something ordinary (like drinking a cup of tea) into something extraordinary ~ and make it a transformative practice, like meditating.
Because our teas & tisanes are loose leaf, making a cup of Wisdom Nectar is a sweet, tender ritual filled with a lot of intention & care.
Now ... if you've gotten this far, I want to tell you a secret:
Being the founder of a tea company isn’t my main gig.
The truth is: I’m a painter, and I do tea on the side.
The art you see featured on the bags of tea ~ I painted that!
In all honesty, this wasn't my idea & I would NEVER have done this on my own.
In early 2022, I decided I wanted to rebrand Wisdom Nectar.
One of my dear friends caught wind & said to me: "I have an idea. I am going to mock it up & show you. You can take it or leave it."
A few days later, she sent samples of new tea bags ... with my paintings on them!
It totally took me by surprise!
Full transparency, I wasn't comfortable with theses two worlds of mine colliding at first.
My paintings are an extension of me & what I hold most precious ~ so to put myself out into the world in this new way was a jump!
Now, I can't imagine them looking any other way!
The tea, the art, the surprises you will find along the way ~ is an offering from my heart to you.
May all your senses be nourished.
Over & out,
P.S. I now run the business with my beautiful daughter (who is now 14!).